This is the complete list of members for G::LogOutput, including all inherited members.
assertion(const char *file, int line, bool test, const char *) | G::LogOutput | static |
at(G::Log::Severity) const | G::LogOutput | |
Cron enum value (defined in G::LogOutput) | G::LogOutput | |
Daemon enum value (defined in G::LogOutput) | G::LogOutput | |
enable(bool enabled=true) | G::LogOutput | |
instance() | G::LogOutput | static |
LogOutput(const std::string &prefix, bool output, bool with_logging, bool with_verbose_logging, bool with_debug, bool with_level, bool with_timestamp, bool strip_context, bool use_syslog, const std::string &stderr_replacement=std::string(), SyslogFacility syslog_facility=User) | G::LogOutput | |
LogOutput(bool output_with_logging, bool verbose_and_debug=true, const std::string &stderr_replacement=std::string()) | G::LogOutput | explicit |
Mail enum value (defined in G::LogOutput) | G::LogOutput | |
onAssert() | G::LogOutput | virtual |
output(G::Log::Severity, const char *file, int line, const std::string &) | G::LogOutput | static |
rawOutput(std::ostream &, G::Log::Severity, const std::string &) | G::LogOutput | virtual |
syslog() const | G::LogOutput | |
SyslogFacility enum name (defined in G::LogOutput) | G::LogOutput | |
User enum value (defined in G::LogOutput) | G::LogOutput | |
verbose(bool verbose_log=true) | G::LogOutput | |
~LogOutput() | G::LogOutput | virtual |