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What is it?

VideoTools is software for video surveillance that can record, analyse and replay images from webcams and network cameras. It runs on Linux and BSD Unix, and it is licensed as Open Source under the GPLv3.

It can use direcly-attached webcams or network cameras that provide JPEG or H.264 video streams over HTTP or RTP.

It is not suitable for entertainment or video conferencing applications because there is no audio or strict time synchronisation.

VideoTools does some of the same things as "ZoneMinder" and other programs, so check them out too.

How does it work?

VideoTools is made up of several co-operating programs that communicate over the network or through shared-memory channels.

The shared-memory publication channels are used for publishing video from one program to another running on the same machine. Each channel has one publisher but any number of subscribers, and once the publisher terminates the channel is deleted.

The Linux kernel's "V4L" infrastructure is used to communicate with directly-attached webcams, and standard HTTP or RTSP/RTP protocols are used to communicate with network cameras. Network cameras must use JPEG or H.264 encoding, and videotools uses the "libav" library to handle the H.264 decoding.

Simple motion detection works by looking for pixels that change by more than a set amount from one frame to the next, and then counting those pixels to see if they are more than some threshold number. Motion detection events can be used to control the recording process, or to raise alarms.

Video streams are recorded to disk with separate files for each video frame, organised by date and time in a directory hierarchy.

A single "viewer" program is used for displaying video in a window. Web browsers can also be used for viewing video served up by the vt-httpserver web server.

Hardware support

Hardware support for webcams on Linux is dependent on the V4L framework, and other websites should give you an idea whether your hardware will work with V4L. Using the "libv4l" shim library (./configure --with-libv4l) might help with more obscure webcam data formats.

Network cameras must use either HTTP or RTP. When using HTTP the camera must return one JPEG image for each HTTP GET, or generate a JPEG image stream using the multipart/x-mixed-replace content type. When using RTP the camera must return video images with JPEG or H.264 encoding.

Build and install

The system can be built and installed with the usual rubric:

./configure ; make ; sudo make install

Use your favourite package management tool (apt, pkg, or whatever) to install the following dependencies before running the configure script:

  • libav
  • libjpeg
  • xlib
  • libncurses
  • libv4l
  • v4l_compat (BSD)
  • webcamd (BSD)

On some BSD systems you will have to add CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS options to the configure command to pick up the header files and libraries installed under /usr/local or /opt. Refer to the INSTALL file for more information, or just use the script instead of configure.

If there are missing dependencies the build will still go ahead but some features will not be available, so please look for warnings in the output from the configure script.

The "start/stop" script, which is normally installed under /etc/init.d on Linux or /usr/local/etc/rc.d on BSD, can be used to start up the server processes, but you must edit its configuration file to tell it exactly what to run.

On BSD systems enable the start/stop script by adding the following line to /etc/rc.conf:


Instructions for the impatient

  • Use vt-httpclient and vt-webcamplayer to obtain video from network cameras and webcams, and send each video stream to its own publication channel.
  • Forward video streams across the network by running vt-httpserver on one side and vt-httpclient on the other. Use --channel=<channel> on the server's command-line and vt://<address> on the client's.
  • Record video to disk by running vt-recorder for each channel. Use a different base directory for each channel, and give each recorder a control socket.
  • Do motion detection for each channel using vt-watcher, and let each watcher control its channel's recorder via the recorder's control socket.
  • Run vt-fileplayer to replay each channel's recordings to a playback channel. Give each fileplayer a control socket.
  • Run a central vt-httpserver web server with --channel=* and gateway=localhost on the command-line.
  • Use a web browser with URL paths like _0, _1 etc. to view each channel, and add ?streaming=1 if your browser supports multipart/x-mixed-replace. Check out the example HTML code for HTML5 streaming techniques and user-interface ideas.

Getting started

Once the videotools system is installed you can try out some of the components by running them from a terminal.

Start with the "fileplayer", and specify a directory that contains some static picture files:

vt-fileplayer --fade /usr/share

This should show all the images in succession and then stop. If running without X Windows then the output will use text characters as pixels filling the whole terminal, so stand back and squint, and use Control-C to quit.

Then try the "webcamplayer" in its test mode:

vt-webcamplayer --device=test

This should show window with a test pattern of moving coloured bars.

Next try viewing video from a webcam, or install the Linux "vivi" module if you do not have a webcam attached:

sudo modprobe vivi
vt-webcamplayer --retry=0 --device=/dev/video0

You might need to try different device names (/dev/video1 etc.) to find the webcam output. You will need root permissions to install the vivi module.

Then try viewing the webcam video using a web browser. For this you will need to run the "webcamserver", listening on a free TCP port:

vt-webcamserver -v --port=8080 --device=/dev/video0

Tell your web browser to connect to the server by putting into the address bar. This should show a static image from the webcam.

If your web browser supports the multipart/x-mixed-replace content type you can get moving video by adding /?streaming=1 to the URL in the address bar. Alternatively, add --refresh=1 to the "webcamserver" command-line to get a one second refresh:

vt-webcamserver -v --refresh=1 --port=8080 --device=/dev/video0

Next you can try viewing the output from a network camera, but you will need to know the full URL for getting JPEG images over HTTP, including any username and password. If you have this information then just run the "httpclient" program with the URL on the command-line, eg:

vt-httpclient -v --viewer http://admin:secret@

Add the --scale=3 option if the window is too big.

Now try sending video to a publication channel. Use the "httpclient", if that worked, or use "webcamplayer". In either case add --channel=camera:

vt-httpclient --channel=camera http://...

vt-webcamplayer --channel=camera --device=demo

View the channel using the "viewer" program:

vt-viewer camera

Try recording the video from the "camera" channel by running a "recorder", using /tmp as the base directory:

vt-recorder -v camera /tmp

Check for the recorded images under a sub-directory named after the current calendar year, and replay the recorded video with the "fileplayer":

find /tmp/20?? -type f
vt-fileplayer --loop /tmp/20??

Make sure you kill the recorder before it has a chance to fill up your disk.

Now try doing motion detection on the "camera" channel by running the "watcher" program:

vt-watcher -v --viewer camera

You should see a dim, monochrome image with bright green highlights where the image is changing.

Create a mask file to define which regions of the image are used for motion detection. Run the "maskeditor" program using the "camera" channel to provide the base image:

vt-maskeditor --image-channel=camera /tmp/mask

Use the mouse to define the masked regions and close the window when you are done. The new mask file can now be used by the "watcher":

vt-watcher -v --viewer --mask=/tmp/mask camera

You should see the masked areas in dark red, and the motion detection spots in bright green.

Finally, if you have a network camera that can send over RTP and you know its URL scheme, try using the "rtspclient" program to encourage it to transmit:

vt-rtscpclient -v rtsp://admin:secret@

While the "rtspclient" is still running check that you are getting RTP packets on UDP port 8000 by using "netcat":

nc -l -u -4 0 8000 | base64

And then try viewing the RTP video stream using the "rtpserver":

vt-rtpserver -v --viewer --scale=auto --port=8000


The videotools system is normally configured through the system's init system. For each videotools process that you want to run you should construct a complete command-line containing all the relevant command-line options. The options available for each videotools program are described in its man page.

For traditional script-based init systems a videotools start/stop script is installed as /etc/init.d/videotools on Linux, and this reads a configuration file /etc/videotools containing the list of "run" command-lines. Optional overrides for directory paths etc. are taken from a file /etc/defaults/videotools.

On BSD systems the relevant files are /etc/rc.d/videotools, /etc/videotools and /etc/rc.conf.d/videotools, but possibly under /usr/local or /opt.

As an example, consider a machine with just one webcam that needs to run a "webcamserver" to capture the video from the webcam and serve it up over HTTP. Its configuration file would have one "run" line, like this:

# one webcam serving up jpeg video over http on port 80
run vt-webcamserver --port 80 /dev/video0

A central file-server machine doing recording, motion detection and web-serving might look more like this:

# read from network camera "front" using h.264 encoding over rtp
run vt-rtspclient --port=8000 --format-file=$RUNDIR/camera.cfg  rtsp://admin:secret@
run vt-rtpserver --port=8000 --format-file=$RUNDIR/camera.cfg --scale=auto --channel=front

# read from network camera "rear" using jpeg encoding over http
run vt-httpclient --channel=rear

# read from remote webcam "inside" by talking to its webcamserver
run vt-httpclient --channel=inside vt://rpi.localnet:80

# record the three video streams to disk
run vt-recorder --command-socket=$RUNDIR/front.s front $SHAREDIR/front
run vt-recorder --command-socket=$RUNDIR/rear.s rear $SHAREDIR/rear
run vt-recorder --command-socket=$RUNDIR/inside.s inside $SHAREDIR/inside

# motion detection, controlling the recorders
run vt-watcher --recorder=$RUNDIR/front.s --event-channel=front-events front
run vt-watcher --recorder=$RUNDIR/rear.s --event-channel=rear-events rear
run vt-watcher --recorder=$RUNDIR/inside.s --event-channel=inside-events inside

# alarms from motion detection events
run vt-alarm front-events /usr/bin/aplay /usr/share/sounds/dog.wav
run vt-alarm rear-events /usr/local/bin/
run vt-alarm inside-events /usr/bin/wall

# file players, for replaying recordings
run vt-fileplayer --channel=front-replay --command-socket=udp://0:3001 $SHAREDIR/front
run vt-fileplayer --channel=rear-replay --command-socket=udp://0:3002 $SHAREDIR/rear
run vt-fileplayer --channel=inside-replay --command-socket=udp://0:3003 $SHAREDIR/inside

# main web server, to allow viewing from a html5 web-browser
run vt-httpserver --gateway=localhost --port=8080 --dir=$SHAREDIR --channel=*


The video passing through a channel can be viewed by simply running the "viewer" program on the same machine as the channel.

vt-viewer somechannel

Make sure you are using an account that has permission to access the channel's shared memory.

If X-Windows is not available then the viewer program will try to display the images in text mode, using characters as pixels.

To view the video images from a channel on another machine you should use ssh -X (or ssh -Y from MacOS).

ssh -X somebox.localnet vt-viewer somechannel

The "httpserver" program can also be used to serve up video from a channel, so that it can be viewed using a web browser.

Snapshot images can be extracted from a channel by using the "channel" utility and then viewed with a graphics program, perhaps after using ImageMagick tools to change the image format.

vt-channel --out=temp.dat read somechannel
convert temp.dat temp.jpg
gimp temp.jpg

Recording and playback

The "recorder" program is used to record video from a publication channel.

For example, to record from the "camera1" channel to a directory tree under /data/video, start up a recorder like this:

vt-recorder camera1 /data/video/camera1

The "fileplayer" program can be used to play back the recordings for a particular date:

vt-fileplayer /data/video/camera1/2017/12/31

Motion detection

The "watcher" program can be used for motion detection. It monitors video from one channel and emits motion detection events on another.

The "alarm" program can be used to react to the motion detection events, perhaps by playing a sound or sending an email.

vt-watcher --channel=camera1-events camera1
vt-alarm camera1-events aplay alarm.wav

You will normally need a mask file to inhibit motion detection in certain parts of the video image.

vt-maskeditor --image-channel=camera1 camera1-mask.pbm
vt-watcher --mask=camera1-mask.pbm --viewer --event-channel=camera1-events camera1

The watcher can control the recorder by using the recorder's --command-socket option. Motion detection will then cause the recorder to start recording in its "fast" mode.

vt-recorder --command-socket=/var/run/recorder1.s --state=stopped --timeout=20 camera1 /data/video/camera1
vt-watcher --recorder=/var/run/recorder1.s camera1

There are two main parameters for the motion detection algorithm: "squelch" and "threshold". Refer to the "watcher" documentation for the details.

Security and privacy

Always use firewalls and encrypted tunnels to protect your privacy when exposed to the public internet. Also consider the following points.

  • Use the --address option to restrict the listening ports to a single network interface.
  • Note that usernames and passwords in URLs on the command-line will be widely visible on the local machine using ps.
  • Operating system resources such as files (excluding pid files), directories, local-domain sockets, shared memory segments, semaphores etc. are all created with permissions restricted by the inherited "umask", so make sure that the umask in the videotools startup script (or equivalent) is set appropriately.
  • Consider creating a special user group to control access to the videotools resources more precisely: create a new group and make all the videotools executables group-suid (for example), and then add user accounts to the group in order to grant access to the videotools resources. Note that the --user option does not affect resource ownership, although it can indirectly affect the ownership of files created by an external program run by vt-alarm.
  • Local-domain sockets are created whenever a program subscribes to a publication channel and these sockets are briefly bound to a filesystem path of /tmp/vt-<channel>.<pid>. However, they can be put in a more private directory by prefixing the channel name on the subscriber's side using an extended format of <dir>/<name>/<channel>, to give socket paths of <dir>/<name>.<pid>.
  • The vt-alarm program uses the system() function to execute the program you specify on the command-line. This provides a lot of flexibility for output redirection, back-ticks, environment variable substitution etc, but it also presents a large attack surface if the program's configuration or run-time environment is compromised.


IPv6 is used whenever an address uses an IPv6 format or whenever a hostname resolves to an IPv6 address.

Programs that use the --port option for the port number also have an --address option for the network address, so adding --address=:: will switch from IPv4 to IPv6 since "::" is the IPv6 wildcard address. Similarly for programs with a --command-socket option the full IPv6 transport address can be given, so for example using --command-socket=:::9000 will switch the socket to IPv6 port 9000.

IPv6 addresses can be used in URLs (eg. vt-httpclient http://::1:80/x), but they will generally also need square brackets to avoid ambiguity with respect to port numbers, eg. http://[fc00::1]/x.

For hostnames that can resolve to IPv4 or IPv6 addresses the first returned address is used. (Refer to getaddrinfo()'s AI_ADDRCONFIG option for more details.)

RTP multicast features are only relevant to IPv4.


When videotools processes start up they usually wait for their primary inputs to become available, whether that's a webcam device, publication channel, or network peer; and if that input subsequently disappears then they will go back to a waiting state. This means that a set of co-operating processes can be started up without worrying about the order in which they connect to each other, and it makes is easy to restart individual components without restarting the whole videotools system.

However, this default behaviour can be modified by --retry and --once command-line options: if --retry=0 is used then the program will exit immediately if the input resource is not available, and if --once is used then then any disappearance of a previously active input causes the program to exit. These options might be useful if the videotools processes are being managed by an "init" system that knows about their resource dependencies, or if they are operating in a stable, low-maintenance system where failing fast might be desirable.

The connectivity of an established set of local videotools processes can be deduced from metadata held within publication channels. Each channel has a small structure describing the publisher process and a set of "slot" structures where the channel subscribers register themselves.

Channel metadata can be seen by using the "channel" utility:

vt-channel -q list | xargs -n1 vt-channel info

The "httpserver" program can also make the channel metadata available across the network via the special double-underscore url path ("__"):

vt-httpserver --port=8080 --channel=\*
wget -q http://localhost:8080/__ -O channels.json


If you encounter problems then stop all the videotools processes, and then run only the relevant videotools program from the command-line. Use the the --verbose option to get extra log messages, and do not use the --daemon option. If the problems seem to be related to permissions then run your tests as "root" by using sudo or equivalent.

Add the --scale option wherever possible to reduce the image sizes during your tests. This is particularly important if you see dropped RTP packets or corrupted H.264 video from the "rtpserver".

Work through the "Getting started" section (above) and vary the steps to get closer to the problem you are seeing.

Program aborts can cause publication channels to become congested or invalid in some way. Use the "channel" utility to purge or delete them. As a last resort carefully remove files from the /dev/shm directory (Linux only and at your own risk), or reboot.

vt-channel list
vt-channel purge somechannel
vt-channel delete somechannel

Problems with USB webcams can sometimes be resolved by unplugging them and the plugged them back in, particularly if you get weird errors on startup.

Wireshark can be useful for diagnosing network problems and for figuring out the capabilities of network cameras; the Analyze->FollowTcpStream option can be particularly productive for HTTP.

The "vlc" media player is useful for experimenting with RTSP/RTP.

If you have corruped webcam images then experiment with adding ;fmt=x to the device name, where x is a small integer, eg. /dev/video0;fmt=10. (Use a backslash or single-quotes to protect the semi-colon.) Also try building with and without "libv4l".

If JPEG video over RTP looks really bad then try using the "rtpserver" program's --jpeg-table option.