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Namespace List
Here is a list of all documented namespaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
oNGLow-level classes for o/s services
|oNHexdumpImpA private scope used for the implementation details of G::hexdump and G::hex_dump
|oNPublisherImpA private scope used in the implementation of G::Publisher and friends
|\NSlotA typesafe callback library that isolates event sinks from event sources
oNGNetNetwork classes
oNGrStatic image classes
|oNAvcClasses for decoding H.264 parameter sets
|oNColourSpaceProvides rgb/yuv colourspace mapping functions
|oNimagebufferA namespace for low-level free functions that operate on container classes that are Gr::ImageBuffer candidates
|oNimpA private implementation namespace
|\NtraitsA namespace for traits classes
oNGSslStubbed-out TLS/SSL classes
oNGvVideo classes
oNGXXlib classes
\Nmd5Standalone MD5 implementation