class | AvcReaderStream |
| Holds state for an AVC (aka H.264) decoder. More...
class | AvcReader |
| A decoder for an AVC (aka H.264) video packet. More...
class | AvcReaderStreamImp |
| A private pimple class for Gv::AvcReaderStream, holding AVCode, AVCodecContext and AVFrame libav objects. More...
class | BarsGenerator |
| A implementation class for Gv::BarsImp. More...
class | BarsImp |
| A pimple-pattern implementation class for Gv::Bars. More...
class | Bars |
| An image generator for test images comprising horizontal or vertical colour bars. More...
class | Cache |
| A queue of recent images that can be flushed to the filesystem on demand. More...
class | Camera |
| A high-level webcam interface that hooks into the GNet event loop and acts as an Gv::ImageInputSource. More...
class | Capture |
| A video capture abstract interface, exposing a file descriptor and a method to handle read events on it. More...
class | CaptureCallback |
| A callback interface for the Gv::Capture class. More...
class | CaptureTest |
| A Gv::Capture implementation that serves up dummy frames created by a Gv::ImageGenerator. More...
class | CaptureImp |
| A private implementation class used by Gv::CaptureV4l. More...
class | CaptureRequeuer |
| A RAII class to do ioctl(VIDIOC_QBUF) on a v4l buffer. More...
class | CaptureV4l |
| A video capture implementation for video-for-linux (v4l). More...
class | CaptureBufferScale |
| A structure holding capture buffer dimensions. More...
class | CaptureBuffer |
| A video-capture buffer class to hold image data, with overloaded constructors for the various V4l i/o mechanisms. More...
class | CaptureBufferComponent |
| A descriptor for one colour component in a Gv::CaptureBufferFormat structure. More...
class | CaptureBufferFormat |
| A descriptor for a v4l pixel format. More...
class | CaptureBufferIterator |
| A const iterator for a single row of Gv::CaptureBuffer pixels. More...
class | CaptureFactory |
| A factory class for G::Capture. More...
class | ClientHolder |
| Manages a network client object so that the network client is automatically re-created from a factory when it finishes, or alternatively the event loop is quit()ed. More...
class | CommandSocketMixinImp |
| A pimple-pattern implementation class for Gv::CommandSocketMixin. More...
class | CommandSocket |
| A non-blocking datagram socket that is used for sending and receiving process control commands. More...
class | CommandSocketMixin |
| A mixin base class that contains a bound Gv::CommandSocket object integrated with the GNet::EventLoop. More...
class | DatabaseWrapper |
| A concrete Database class that aggregates up to one second intervals and then delegates to (eg.) DatabaseRrd. More...
class | DatabaseRrd |
| Manages an rrdtool database under the Gv::Database interface. More...
class | Database |
| An abstract interface for a timeseries database that holds video analysis statistics. More...
class | DemoImp |
| A pimple-pattern implementation class for Gv::Demo. More...
class | Demo |
| An image generator class for a demo animation. More...
class | Exit |
| A simple exception structure holding a program exit value. More...
class | HttpServerInput |
| An ImageInput class that integrates with the event loop, with automatic re-opening if the channel goes away for a while. More...
class | HttpServerSource |
| Used by a ImageInputHandler-derived object to hold a ImageInputSource pointer. More...
class | HttpServerSources |
| A container for ImageInputSource pointers, used by Gv::HttpServerPeer. More...
class | HttpServerResources |
| A configuration structure for resources that Gv::HttpServerPeer makes available. More...
class | HttpServerConfig |
| A configuration structure for Gv::HttpServerPeer holding default settings from the command-line which are then overriden by url parameters. More...
class | HttpServerPeer |
| A GNet::ServerPeer class for HTTP servers that serves up image streams. More...
class | ImageGenerator |
| An abstract interface for filling a YUYV capture buffer with a generated image. More...
class | ImageInputConversion |
| A structure that describes the preferred image type for the Gv::ImageInputHandler callback. More...
class | ImageInputTask |
| A private implementation class used by Gv::ImageInputSource. More...
class | ImageInputHandler |
| A callback interface for Gv::ImageInputSource. More...
class | ImageInputSource |
| A base class for distributing incoming images to multiple client objects, supporting some simple image type conversions. More...
class | ImageInput |
| A class for reading images from a publication channel and distributing them to multiple client objects. More...
class | ImageOutput |
| A class for emiting images etc to a fat pipe that feeds a spawned viewer process, and/or to a publication channel, and/or to a filesystem image repository. More...
class | Mask |
| Implements a binary mask over an image that can be edited by mouse actions, and that can be stored on disk. More...
class | Multicast |
| A class to do setsocketopt() on a socket file descriptor, with IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP. More...
class | Overlay |
| A class that can add a text overlay to an image. More...
class | RibbonRange |
| Represents a day span within the file store, used by Gv::Ribbon. More...
class | Ribbon |
| Holds ribbon data that can be used to add a ribbon widget to a video stream display. More...
class | RtpAvcPacket |
| An RTP payload parser for the "H264" payload type. More...
class | RtpAvcPacketStream |
| A class that accumulates RTP-AVC packets and serves up AVC NALUs. More...
class | RtpJpegPacket |
| An RTP payload parser for the jpeg payload type. More...
class | RtpPacket |
| An RTP packet parser, as per RFC 3550 (section 5). More...
class | RtpPacketStream |
| A class that accumulates RTP-AVC or RTP-JPEG packets and serves up AVC NALUs or JPEG JFIFs. More...
class | RtpServer |
| An RTP server class. More...
class | RtpServerHandler |
| A interface that Gv::RtpServer uses to deliver image data. More...
class | Sdp |
| A parser for a Session Description Protocol block, with a MIME type of "application/sdp". More...
class | Startup |
| A handy synthesis of G::LogOutput, G::GetOpt, G::Root, G::Daemon and G::PidFile, used to initialise a server process. More...
class | Timezone |
| A representation of a timezone. More...
class | ViewerEventMixinImp |
| A pimple-pattern implementation class for Gv::ViewerEventMixin. More...
class | ViewerEvent |
| A class for receiving and handling events published from a viewer process. More...
class | ViewerEventMixin |
| A mixin base-class containing a ViewerEvent object that integrates with the GNet::EventLoop. More...
class | ViewerInputHandler |
| A callback interface for Gv::ViewerInput. More...
class | ViewerInputConfig |
| A structure to hold configuration for a Gv::ViewerInput object. More...
class | ViewerInput |
| An input channel for images. More...
class | ViewerWindowConfig |
| A configuration structure for Gv::ViewerWindow. More...
class | ViewerWindowHandler |
| A callback interface for Gv::ViewerWindow. More...
class | ViewerWindow |
| An abstract base class for a viewer window. More...
class | ViewerWindowAnsi |
| A pimple-pattern implementation class for Gv::ViewerWindow that uses ansi escape sequences. More...
class | ViewerWindowCurses |
| A pimple-pattern implementation class for ViewerWindow that uses curses. More...
class | ViewerWindowXBase |
| A private base class for ViewerWindowX that initialises the display before the window is created by the GX::Window base class. More...
class | ViewerWindowX |
| A pimple-pattern implementation class for ViewerWindow that uses X11. More...
class | ViewerWindowFactory |
| A factory class for Gv::ViewerWindow. More...