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Gr::ColourSpace Namespace Reference

Provides rgb/yuv colourspace mapping functions. More...


class  triple
 A 3-tuple for holding rgb or yuv triples. More...
class  cache
 A cache for a complete set of rgb/yuv mappings, amounting to about 50MB of data. More...
class  matrix_256_inverse
 Rgb-to-yuv matrix using scaled integers where 256 is 1. More...
class  matrix_256
 Yuv-to-rgb matrix using scaled integers where 256 is 1. More...
class  matrix_1000_inverse
 Rgb-to-yuv matrix using scaled integers where 1000 is 1. More...
class  matrix_1000
 Yuv-to-rgb matrix using scaled integers where 1000 is 1. More...
class  range_y
 Defines the "digital" range for y component. More...
class  range_uv
 Defines the "digital" range for u/v components. More...
class  range_rgb
 Defines the "digital" range for r/g/b components. More...
class  fp_1000
 A simple fixed-point number class with a scale factor of 1000. More...
class  fp_256
 A simple fixed-point number class with a scale factor of 256. More...
class  converter_double
 An adaptor for double. More...
class  converter_fp
 An adaptor for fp_#. More...


template<typename Tmatrix , typename Tconverter , typename Ta , typename Ttriple >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type product (Ta a1, Ta a2, Ta a3, Ttriple tfp) g__noexcept
 Does a cross-product using fp types.
template<typename Tmatrix , typename Tconverter , typename Ttriple >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type y_imp (Ttriple rgb) g__noexcept
 Calculates y from rgb using fp types. More...
template<typename Tmatrix , typename Tconverter , typename Ttriple >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type u_imp (Ttriple rgb) g__noexcept
 Calculates u (cb) from rgb using fp types. More...
template<typename Tmatrix , typename Tconverter , typename Ttriple >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type v_imp (Ttriple rgb) g__noexcept
 Calculates v (cr) from rgb using fp types. More...
template<typename Tmatrix , typename Tconverter , typename Ttriple >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type r_imp (Ttriple yuv) g__noexcept
 Calculates r from yuv using fp types. More...
template<typename Tmatrix , typename Tconverter , typename Ttriple >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type g_imp (Ttriple yuv) g__noexcept
 Calculates g from yuv using fp types. More...
template<typename Tmatrix , typename Tconverter , typename Ttriple >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type b_imp (Ttriple yuv) g__noexcept
 Calculates b from yuv using fp types. More...
template<typename Tmatrix , typename Tconverter , typename Trange_rgb , typename Trange_y , typename Trange_uv , typename Ttriple >
Ttriple yuv_imp (Ttriple rgb) g__noexcept
 A top-level function that calculates yuv from rgb with all the implementation options exposed as template parameters.
template<typename Tmatrix , typename Tconverter , typename Trange_rgb , typename Trange_y , typename Trange_uv , typename Ttriple >
Ttriple rgb_imp (Ttriple yuv) g__noexcept
 A top-level function that calculates rgb from yuv with all the implementation options exposed as template parameters.
triple< unsigned char > yuv (triple< unsigned char > rgb) g__noexcept
 A top-level function that calculates yuv from rgb with default implementation options.
triple< unsigned char > rgb (triple< unsigned char > yuv) g__noexcept
 A top-level function that calculates rgb from yuv with default implementation options.
unsigned char r_int (unsigned char y, unsigned char, unsigned char v) g__noexcept
 A fast conversion from yuv to r.
unsigned char g_int (unsigned char y, unsigned char u, unsigned char v) g__noexcept
 A fast conversion from yuv to g.
unsigned char b_int (unsigned char y, unsigned char u, unsigned char) g__noexcept
 A fast conversion from yuv to b.
triple< unsigned char > rgb_int (triple< unsigned char > yuv) g__noexcept
 A fast conversion from yuv to rgb.
unsigned char y_int (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b)
 A fast conversion from rgb to y.
unsigned char u_int (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b)
 A fast conversion from rgb to u.
unsigned char v_int (unsigned char r, unsigned char g, unsigned char b)
 A fast conversion from rgb to v.
triple< unsigned char > yuv_int (triple< unsigned char > rgb) g__noexcept
 A fast conversion from rgb to yuv.
template<typename T >
g__constexpr T clamp (T min, T value, T max)
 Does min/max clamping.
template<typename Trange , typename Tout , typename Tin >
g__constexpr Tout clamp (Tin value)
 Does min/max clamping to a range.
template<typename Trange , typename Tconverter >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type map_to_range_from_unsigned (typename Tconverter::fp_type fp) g__noexcept
 Scales an unsigned fp value to another fp value in the relevant range.
template<typename Trange , typename Tconverter >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type map_to_range_from_signed (typename Tconverter::fp_type fp) g__noexcept
 Scales a signed fp value to another fp value in the relevant range.
template<typename Trange , typename Tconverter >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type map_to_range_imp (typename Tconverter::fp_type fp) g__noexcept
 Scales an fp value to another fp value in the relevant range.
template<typename Trange , typename Tconverter >
g__constexpr Trange::value_type map_to_range (typename Tconverter::fp_type fp) g__noexcept
 Maps an "analogue" space value to a "digial" range value.
template<typename Trange , typename Tconverter >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type map_to_space_signed (typename Trange::value_type n) g__noexcept
 Maps a "digital" range value to a signed "analogue" space value.
template<typename Trange , typename Tconverter >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type map_to_space_unsigned (typename Trange::value_type n) g__noexcept
 Maps a "digital" range value to an unsigned "analogue" space value.
template<typename Trange , typename Tconverter >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type map_to_space_imp (typename Trange::value_type n) g__noexcept
 Maps a "digital" range value to an "analogue" space value.
template<typename Tconverter , typename Trange1 , typename Trange2 , typename Trange3 >
g__constexpr triple< typename
Tconverter::fp_type > 
map_to_space (triple< typename Trange1::value_type > t) g__noexcept
 Maps a "digital" range triple to an "analogue" space triple.
fp_1000 operator* (const fp_1000 &a, const fp_1000 &b) g__noexcept
fp_1000 operator/ (const fp_1000 &a, const fp_1000 &b) g__noexcept
fp_1000 operator+ (const fp_1000 &a, const fp_1000 &b) g__noexcept
fp_1000 operator- (const fp_1000 &a, const fp_1000 &b) g__noexcept
bool operator< (const fp_1000 &a, const fp_1000 &b) g__noexcept
bool operator> (const fp_1000 &a, const fp_1000 &b) g__noexcept
fp_256 operator* (fp_256 a, fp_256 b) g__noexcept
fp_256 operator/ (fp_256 a, fp_256 b) g__noexcept
fp_256 operator+ (fp_256 a, fp_256 b) g__noexcept
fp_256 operator- (fp_256 a, fp_256 b) g__noexcept
bool operator< (fp_256 a, fp_256 b) g__noexcept
bool operator> (fp_256 a, fp_256 b) g__noexcept

Detailed Description

Provides rgb/yuv colourspace mapping functions.


triple_t rgb = Gr::ColourSpace::rgb_int( triple_t(y,u,v) ) ;
triple_t yuv = Gr::ColourSpace::yuv_int( triple_t(r,g,b) ) ;
triple_t rgb = Gr::ColourSpace::rgb( triple_t(y,u,v) ) ;
triple_t yuv = Gr::ColourSpace::yuv( triple_t(r,g,b) ) ;

Most code will be content to use just the two lookup functions rgb_int() and yuv_int(), and in that case the bulk of the code here is only used at built-time to generate the lookup tables that underlie those functions.

Otherwise, there are two top-level functions rgb_imp() and yuv_imp() with lots of template parameters providing maximum flexibility, and two convenience functions rgb() and yuv() that use rgb_imp() and yuv_imp() with sensible template defaults.

The implementation recognises that the core matrix multiplication has to be performed with a higher-precision numeric datatype than is used at the interface, and that the values used at the interface are sometimes constrained to a range that is not a convenient power of two (ie. head-room and toe-room for YUV values). The internal datatype can be considered to be "analogue" and the external datatype "digital", alluding to their different levels of precision.

The internal datatype is most naturally "double", but for speed on some machines it can be better to used a fixed-point type. Two fixed-point classes are provided, "fp_256" and "fp_1000", together with adaptors that are used to convert between internal and external values. If any internal datatype other than "double", "fp_256" or "fp_1000" is used then it will need to have a corresponding adaptor class (as per "converter_double").

Function Documentation

template<typename Tmatrix , typename Tconverter , typename Ttriple >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type Gr::ColourSpace::b_imp ( Ttriple  yuv)

Calculates b from yuv using fp types.

Uses the matrix given by the template parameter.

Definition at line 187 of file grcolourspace.h.

template<typename Tmatrix , typename Tconverter , typename Ttriple >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type Gr::ColourSpace::g_imp ( Ttriple  yuv)

Calculates g from yuv using fp types.

Uses the matrix given by the template parameter.

Definition at line 177 of file grcolourspace.h.

template<typename Tmatrix , typename Tconverter , typename Ttriple >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type Gr::ColourSpace::r_imp ( Ttriple  yuv)

Calculates r from yuv using fp types.

Uses the matrix given by the template parameter.

Definition at line 167 of file grcolourspace.h.

template<typename Tmatrix , typename Tconverter , typename Ttriple >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type Gr::ColourSpace::u_imp ( Ttriple  rgb)

Calculates u (cb) from rgb using fp types.

Uses the matrix given by the template parameter.

Definition at line 147 of file grcolourspace.h.

template<typename Tmatrix , typename Tconverter , typename Ttriple >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type Gr::ColourSpace::v_imp ( Ttriple  rgb)

Calculates v (cr) from rgb using fp types.

Uses the matrix given by the template parameter.

Definition at line 157 of file grcolourspace.h.

template<typename Tmatrix , typename Tconverter , typename Ttriple >
g__constexpr Tconverter::fp_type Gr::ColourSpace::y_imp ( Ttriple  rgb)

Calculates y from rgb using fp types.

Uses the matrix given by the template parameter.

Definition at line 137 of file grcolourspace.h.