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GSsl::Library Class Reference

A singleton class for initialising the underlying TLS library. More...

#include <gssl.h>

Public Member Functions

 Library (bool active=true, const std::string &extra_config=std::string())
 Constructor. More...
 Library (bool active, const std::string &server_key_and_cert_file, const std::string &server_ca_file, const std::string &extra_config=std::string())
 A convenience constructor that adds two profiles; one called "server" using the two files, and one called "client". More...
 ~Library ()
 Destructor. Cleans up the underlying TLS library.
void add (const std::string &profile_name, const std::string &key_and_cert_file=std::string(), const std::string &ca_file=std::string(), const std::string &profile_extra_config=std::string())
 Creates a named Profile object that can be retrieved by profile(). More...
bool has (const std::string &profile_name) const
 Returns true if the named profile has been add()ed.
const Profile & profile (const std::string &profile_name) const
 Returns an opaque reference to the named profile. More...
bool enabled () const
 Returns true if this is a real TLS library and the constructor's active parameter was set. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static Libraryinstance ()
 Returns a pointer to a library object, if any.
static std::string id ()
 Returns a library identifier (typically name and version).
static std::string credit (const std::string &prefix, const std::string &eol, const std::string &eot)
 Returns a library credit string.


class GSsl::Profile

Detailed Description

A singleton class for initialising the underlying TLS library.

Definition at line 157 of file gssl.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GSsl::Library::Library ( bool  active = true,
const std::string &  extra_config = std::string() 


The 'active' parameter can be set to false as an optimisation if the library is not going to be used; calls to add() will do nothing, calls to has() will return false, and calls to profile() will throw.

Definition at line 28 of file gssl_none.cpp.

GSsl::Library::Library ( bool  active,
const std::string &  server_key_and_cert_file,
const std::string &  server_ca_file,
const std::string &  extra_config = std::string() 

A convenience constructor that adds two profiles; one called "server" using the two files, and one called "client".

Definition at line 34 of file gssl_none.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

void GSsl::Library::add ( const std::string &  profile_name,
const std::string &  key_and_cert_file = std::string(),
const std::string &  ca_file = std::string(),
const std::string &  profile_extra_config = std::string() 

Creates a named Profile object that can be retrieved by profile().

A typical application will have two profiles named "client" and "server".

The "key-and-cert-file" parameter points to a file containing our own key and certificate. This is mandatory if acting as a server, ie. using Protocol::accept().

The "ca-file" parameter points to a file (or possibly a directory) containing a list of CA certificates. If this is supplied then peer certificates will be requested and verified. Special values of "<none>" and "<default>" have the obvious meaning. A "client" profile will normally use "<default>" so that it can verify the server.

The profile-extra-config string should be empty by default; the format and interpretation are undefined at this interface. An extra-config string can also be supplied to the Protocol, in which case this config string is completely ignored.

Definition at line 51 of file gssl_none.cpp.

bool GSsl::Library::enabled ( ) const

Returns true if this is a real TLS library and the constructor's active parameter was set.

Definition at line 65 of file gssl_none.cpp.

const GSsl::Profile & GSsl::Library::profile ( const std::string &  profile_name) const

Returns an opaque reference to the named profile.

The profile can be used to construct a protocol instance.

Definition at line 60 of file gssl_none.cpp.

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