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G::DirectoryTree Class Reference

A directory tree iterator for sorted, depth-first traversal of files and directories. More...

#include <gdirectorytree.h>

Public Member Functions

 DirectoryTree ()
 Default contructor for an off-the-end iterator.
 DirectoryTree (const G::Path &root, bool reverse=false, DirectoryTreeCallback *ignore=0)
 Contructor for a tree iterator rooted at the given path. More...
DirectoryTreeoperator++ ()
 Pre-increment operator. Moves to the next file or directory.
const DirectoryList::Itemoperator* () const
 Dereference operator yielding a G::DirectoryList::Item.
bool operator== (const DirectoryTree &) const
 Comparison operator.
bool operator!= (const DirectoryTree &) const
 Comparison operator.
size_t depth () const
 Returns the nesting depth compared to the root.
bool down (const std::string &name, bool at_or_after=false)
 Moves deeper into the directory tree, with a precondition that the iterator currently points to a directory. More...
void up ()
 Moves up to the parent directory. More...
void swap (DirectoryTree &other)
 Swaps this and other.
 DirectoryTree (const DirectoryTree &)
 Copy constructor.
DirectoryTreeoperator= (const DirectoryTree &)
 Assignment operator.
void reverse (bool in_reverse=true)
 Changes the reversal state, returning the previous value.
bool reversed () const
 Returns the current reversal state.

Detailed Description

A directory tree iterator for sorted, depth-first traversal of files and directories.

Definition at line 40 of file gdirectorytree.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

G::DirectoryTree::DirectoryTree ( const G::Path root,
bool  reverse = false,
DirectoryTreeCallback ignore = 0 

Contructor for a tree iterator rooted at the given path.

If reverse-d the iterator moves through each depth level in reverse; this is not the same a reversal of the whole sequence because the sequence includes non-leaf nodes. It follows that reversal is more useful when directories are filtered out by client code (see G::FileTree).

An optional callback function, taking a path and a depth, can be used to filter out files and directories that should be ignored. Directories that are ignored are not traversed at all.

Definition at line 68 of file gdirectorytree.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

bool G::DirectoryTree::down ( const std::string &  name,
bool  at_or_after = false 

Moves deeper into the directory tree, with a precondition that the iterator currently points to a directory.

If 'at_or_after' is false the iterator is moved into the directory to a position that matches the requested name. Returns false if not found, with the iterator position unchanged.

If 'at_or_after' is true the iterator is moved into the directory to a position that is at or after the requested name and then returns true. However, if the requested name is lexicographically later than the last name in the directory, then the iterator might advance to another directory altogether or completely off-the-end of the tree, and in this case false is returned.

Precondition: operator*().m_is_dir

Definition at line 203 of file gdirectorytree.cpp.

void G::DirectoryTree::up ( )

Moves up to the parent directory.

Precondition: depth() >= 1

Definition at line 245 of file gdirectorytree.cpp.

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