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G::Options Class Reference

A class to represent allowed command-line options and to provide command-line usage text. More...

#include <goptions.h>

Public Types

typedef OptionsLevel Level
typedef OptionsLayout Layout

Public Member Functions

 Options (const std::string &spec, char sep_major= '|', char sep_minor= '!', char escape= '^')
 Constructor taking a specification string. More...
 Options ()
 Default constructor for no options.
const StringArraynames () const
 Returns the sorted list of long-form option names.
std::string lookup (char c) const
 Converts from short-form option character to the corresponding long-form name. More...
bool valid (const std::string &) const
 Returns true if the long-form option name is valid.
bool visible (const std::string &name, Level, bool exact) const
 Returns true if the option is visible at the given level. More...
bool valued (char) const
 Returns true if the short-form option character is valid. More...
bool valued (const std::string &) const
 Returns true if the long-form option name is valid. More...
bool multivalued (char) const
 Returns true if the short-form option can have multiple values. More...
bool multivalued (const std::string &) const
 Returns true if the long-form option can have multiple values. More...
bool unvalued (const std::string &option_name) const
 Returns true if the given option name is valid and takes no value. More...
std::string usageSummary (const std::string &exe, const std::string &args, const std::string &introducer=introducerDefault(), Level level=levelDefault(), size_t wrap_width=widthDefault()) const
 Returns a one-line (or line-wrapped) usage summary, as "usage: <exe> <options> <args>".
std::string usageHelp (Level level=levelDefault(), Layout layout=layoutDefault(), bool level_exact=false, bool extra=true) const
 Returns a multi-line string giving help on each option.
void showUsage (std::ostream &stream, const std::string &exe, const std::string &args=std::string(), const std::string &introducer=introducerDefault(), Level level=levelDefault(), Layout layout=layoutDefault(), bool extra=true) const
 Streams out multi-line usage text using usageSummary() and usageHelp(). More...

Static Public Member Functions

static size_t widthDefault ()
 Returns a default, non-zero word-wrapping width, reflecting the size of the standard output where possible. More...
static Layout layoutDefault ()
 Returns a default column layout.
static Level levelDefault ()
 Returns the default level.
static std::string introducerDefault ()
 Returns the string "usage: ".

Detailed Description

A class to represent allowed command-line options and to provide command-line usage text.

Definition at line 65 of file goptions.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

G::Options::Options ( const std::string &  spec,
char  sep_major = '|',
char  sep_minor = '!',
char  escape = '^' 

Constructor taking a specification string.

Uses specifications like "p!port!defines the port number!!1!port!1|v!verbose!shows more logging!!0!!1" made up of (1) an optional single-character-option-letter, (2) a multi-character-option-name (3) an option-description, (4) optional option-description-extra text, (5) a value-type (with 0 for unvalued, 1 for a string value, and 2 for a comma-separated list (possibly multiple times)) or (6) a value-description (unless unvalued), and (7) a level enumeration.

By convention mainstream options should have a level of 1, and obscure ones level 2 and above. If the option-description field is empty or if the level is zero then the option is hidden.

Definition at line 33 of file goptions.cpp.

Member Function Documentation

std::string G::Options::lookup ( char  c) const

Converts from short-form option character to the corresponding long-form name.

Returns the empty string if none.

Definition at line 126 of file goptions.cpp.

bool G::Options::multivalued ( char  c) const

Returns true if the short-form option can have multiple values.

Returns false if not valid().

Definition at line 100 of file goptions.cpp.

bool G::Options::multivalued ( const std::string &  name) const

Returns true if the long-form option can have multiple values.

Returns false if not valid().

Definition at line 105 of file goptions.cpp.

void G::Options::showUsage ( std::ostream &  stream,
const std::string &  exe,
const std::string &  args = std::string(),
const std::string &  introducer = introducerDefault(),
Level  level = levelDefault(),
Layout  layout = layoutDefault(),
bool  extra = true 
) const

Streams out multi-line usage text using usageSummary() and usageHelp().

The 'args' parameter should represent the non-option arguments (with a leading space), like " <foo> [<bar>]".

Definition at line 292 of file goptions.cpp.

bool G::Options::unvalued ( const std::string &  option_name) const

Returns true if the given option name is valid and takes no value.

Returns false if not valid().

Definition at line 95 of file goptions.cpp.

bool G::Options::valued ( char  c) const

Returns true if the short-form option character is valid.

Returns false if not valid().

Definition at line 84 of file goptions.cpp.

bool G::Options::valued ( const std::string &  name) const

Returns true if the long-form option name is valid.

Returns false if not valid().

Definition at line 89 of file goptions.cpp.

bool G::Options::visible ( const std::string &  name,
Level  level,
bool  exact 
) const

Returns true if the option is visible at the given level.

Returns false if not valid().

Definition at line 111 of file goptions.cpp.

size_t G::Options::widthDefault ( )

Returns a default, non-zero word-wrapping width, reflecting the size of the standard output where possible.

Definition at line 143 of file goptions.cpp.

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